Screenplay Writing Format

Standard screenplay format essentials for script success. Here's a breakdown of the key elements:

Scene Heading

Denotes the location and time of day of a scene. Written in all caps, e.g., INT. HOUSE - DAY or EXT. BARN - NIGHT.

Heather script element example


Describes what's happening in the scene visually. Needs to be concise and present tense.

Action script element example

Character Name

When a character is introduced, their name should be capitalized within the action. E.g., JAMES.

Character script element example


What characters say. It's centered and placed below the character's name.

Heather script element example


Instructions in dialogue used for emotions, actions, etc. E.g., (sarcastically), (shouting).

Parenthesis script element example


Terms to move between scenes. E.g., FADE IN:, CUT TO:, FADE OUT.

Transition script element example